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Salute to the Fallen Bataan, Money for Large Farms, and USA Healthcare to Foreign Countries

April 9, 2024
by PK Morgan

The war in 1941 between the United States and Japan produced many Veterans who would be more than 80 years of age today. Very few remember to pay homage to those Prisoners of war who endured the Bataan March that started on April 9 1942. The surrender at Bataan by the Americans led the Japanese to a March of 75,000 American and Filipino prisoners. The upper range of estimated POW deaths on the torturous march is 18,650 where Japanese soldiers beat and whipped prisoners to death. Salute!

These Americans died in an attempt to protect their wives, children, and parents from the onward march of Nazism, or so it is told, many of which were farmers. Nearly 80 million people worked in the farming industry during that time period. Today, the number has fallen to less than 2% of the population which explains why very few children have even seen a goat.

As one who grew up on a farm that both raised livestock and plowed the land to produce seed corn, the everyday challenges can be frustrating. A crop does not always come to fruition and livestock does not always bare the offspring that we hoped. Small farms are generally those which a family runs with possibly a “hand” or two to take up the slack. So, along comes socialism to save the day.

In the name of conservation, the Inflation Reduction Act gives money to farmers. Yes, you read it correctly, gives farmers money. But, they must adhere to all the restrictions such as CO2 capture or leaving the land bare which in turn forces the market to raise prices due to shortages. $3.1 Billion was offered up just this past January by the current Administration but to whom. The program is depended upon race and encourages dangerous sequestering of carbon underground. Heavy criticism has been drawn pointing out money going to lobbying groups that have no clear plan for serving disadvantaged farmers and large portions of the money going to giant for-profit companies.

United States Agency of International Development (USAID) has become a giant profitable company that uses American tax dollars to serve other countries. USAID has a budget of $50 Billion. The USAID M-mama program connects pregnant women with free healthcare to prevent infant mortality. Women who are citizens of other countries like Tanzania, not the USA. USAID even has a Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition website paid for with USA tax dollars.

Nevertheless, women in the United States, our own people, go without prenatal healthcare due to lack of funds. The National Institutes of Health published the 2022 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report highlighting Maternal Health. According to this report, the CDC estimated that between 2007 and 2017, about two-thirds of pregnancy related deaths during delivery and in the first year postpartum were preventable…” A factor involved listed up high was “Lack of insurance/inability to afford care”. The CDC reported 20,000 USA infants died in 2020. In that same year, 10.8% of all children living in the United States were Food Insecure.

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